Transport and access
Members told us that although it is important to have good car access in Harlesden, they also want to ensure the street design is more focused on people, place and environmental quality.
Members also told us clearly that good public transport connections are vitally important, especially as Harlesden has very low car ownership (52% of households don’t have a car).Willesden Junction and Harlesden stations serve the Neighbourhood Forum area but we expect there to be significant increases in the number of people using them with the Old Oak & Park Royal development. Members expressed concerns about the impact of many more people using the stations without them being improved.
Members fed back to us your concerns that regeneration at Old Oak will increase traffic levels in and around Harlesden as traffic ‘rat-runs’ through residential streets to access the new development. The Park Royal Transport Strategy predicts a 7-9% growth in traffic by 2041.
Members also asked for better cycling facilities and a better pedestrian environment.

Neighbourhood Plan policies and aspirations
The Neighbourhood Plan includes the following policies and aspirations (aspirations are indications of what the Forum would like to do or see that cannot be defined as planning policies)
Any development at Willesden Junction station should include improvements to access from both Station Road and Harrow Road – policy
A bus route should connect Harlesden town centre and the Old Oak major centre – aspiration
Mitigation measures for any increase in traffic – aspiration
Sufficient town centre public car parking to be retained – policy
New cycle route to be provided – policy
Any development at Willesden Junction station should improve conditions for pedestrians on Station Road – policy

Further reading
Elsewhere on this website you can find:
More information about the neighbourhood planning process and neighbourhood planning FAQs
Summaries of key chapters of the Neighbourhood Plan: