Ever since the Neighbourhood Forum was established housing has been a key issue for local people taking part in consultation and conversations. Harlesden’s population is likely to continue to grow, as is the case across London, meaning that there will be pressures on available land and housing in the neighbourhood forum area.
There has been a growth in the number of smaller households (one and two bedrooms) in Harlesden but there are few properties of this kind in the neighbourhood forum area.
Some of the key concerns identified are:
Overcrowded housing (36% of all households in Harlesden are overcrowded compared to 11% for London)
Homelessness levels are very high in Harlesden (we don’t have ward level data but Brent has some of the highest levels of homelessness in the country)
Housing costs both for renters and those who want to own their home. Currently the cost of homes is well beyond the budgets of most local residents and you have told us that affordable housing is a priority
There are fears that the Old Oak & Park Royal Development will further impact negatively on housing costs in the area
Despite these severe housing challenges we have to recognise that there is little space in Harlesden for new housing developments and that we would look to the new development at Old Oak & Park Royal to meet some of Harlesden’s housing needs
Neighbourhood Plan policies and aspirations
The Neighbourhood Plan includes the following policies and aspirations (aspirations are indications of what the Forum would like to do or see that cannot be defined as planning policies
Site allocations for housing development – policy
Density of new housing – policy
Access to affordable homes within the OPDC area – aspiration
Maximising affordable housing – aspiration
Establishing a community land trust – aspiration
Housing floorspace retention – policy
Further reading
Elsewhere on this website you can find:
More information about the neighbourhood planning process and neighbourhood planning FAQs
Summaries of key chapters of the Neighbourhood Plan: